Florian lab, spatial biology and cancer research at Charité, Berlin

Florian lab

from cells to tissues

Some recent images… 

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Fibroadenomas are benign breast tumors. As the name implies, they consist of fibrous nodes intermixed with glandular epithelial elements. Here are two movies of cleared fibroadenoma tissue imaged in 3D with our Nikon inverted microscope equipped with a Yokogawa CSU-W1 spinning disk head.

Clearing and staining protocol: FLASH, image acquired on a Nikon Ti2-E, equipped with CSU-W1 spinning disk head, pinhole diameter 25 µm, 20x multiimmersion objective.

Same fibroadenoma sample from above, acquired with a 10x multiimmersion objective on the same microscope.

A multipolar mitosis within a mammary tumor

Staining of a triple negative, well-differentiated breast cancer with mitotic cell (center). Lamins were used as markers of the nuclear membrane, Na+/K+-ATPase as a cell membrane marker.

Staining protocol: t-Cycif, image acquired on a Yokogawa CQ1 spinning disk microscope, 40X air objective.

immunofluorescence of lung blood vessel

Fibrotic lung tissue infected with SARS-CoV-2 with giant, multinucleated macrophages surrounding a blood vessel.

Staining protocol: t-Cycif, image acquired on a Yokogawa CQ1 spinning disk microscope, 40X air objective.

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